Home/Resources/Healthy Beginnings: Maryland’s Guidelines for Healthy Child Development and Care for Young Children (Birth to Three Years of Age)

Healthy Beginnings: Maryland’s Guidelines for Healthy Child Development and Care for Young Children (Birth to Three Years of Age)

Healthy Beginnings: Maryland's Guidelines for Healthy Child Development and Care for Young Children (Birth to Three Years of Age)
lesbian family with baby and toddler

Maryland Healthy Beginnings is designed to help caregivers tap the amazing potential for learning and growth that all young children have. The site offers resources, knowledge, and support around child care and child development.

Healthy Beginnings is a resource for both parents and infant toddler educators. One of the primary resources on the site is the Activity Planner, which is a web-based application to help find activities to do with infants and toddlers that promote early learning. The activities are broken down by the child’s age, whether the activity will be done with a parent or care provider, and the setting where the activity will take place.

Revised July 2020


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